Jump End

This is a purpose JMP(004) is always used in conjunction with JME(005) to create jumps, that is, to skip from one point in a ladder diagram to another point. JMP(04) defines the point from which the jump will be made; JME(005) defines the destination of the jump.When the execution condition for JMP(004) in ON, no jump is made and the program is executed consecutively as written. When the execution condition for JMP(004) is OFF, a jump is made to the JME(005) with the same jump number and the instruction following JME(005) is executed next.


Example for use JME

From this function need to use together JMP This sample program will jump if don't make 0.00 is On so output 20.00 will show status OFF all time even 0.01 is On past output 20.01 still working in the condition 0.02 because output 20.01 is out off Instructions JMP and JME

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