This is a purpose TIM is a decrementing ON-delay timer that times in 0.1s units. The timer set value can be 0 - 999.9s.A timer is activated when its execution condition goes ON and is reset (to SV) when the execution condition goes OFF. Once activated, TIM decrements the Present Value (PV) in units of 0.1 second from the SV.If the execution condition remains ON long enough for TIM to time down to zero, the Completion Flag for the TC number used will turn ON and will remain ON until TIM is reset (that is, until its execution condition goes OFF).
The timer number N must be between 0000 and 4095.
The set value S must be between #0000 and 9999.
Example for use TIM
From this sample when input 0.00 is On will make timer 100 work
by time in S.set value is decrement from 500 to 0 (50 second)
and make the output 20.00 is On